long challenge jan. please check i/o( input -output )ambiguity(if any) in Sereja and Circles

here is the link of problem

…Sereja and Circles

it is given in question as

First line will contain three space separated integers N, S, skip. Next line contains 2*N numbers written on the sheet of paper.

Input + Output:

5 10 2

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2


<9 1


<1 9


<-1 -1


<-1 -1


<2 2

can one please tell we have to take ‘<’ and ‘>’ in input and output and is there space between > and input , and < and output.

also if 2*n size (which is said to be written on sheet of paper) required to taken as input

due to input output ambiguity we are getin WA.

Hi @vijayiota the input+ outputs are

5 10 2
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
<9 1
<1 9
<-1 -1
<-1 -1
<2 2

First line will contain three space separated integers N, S, skip. Next line contains 2*N numbers written on the sheet of paper.

after two lines of input, you will give an input of one number and get one output. Like explained in the sample test case. In theird line input is ‘1’ and output is “9 1”.

The symbols “>” represents input and “<” shows output. They are just notations. You don’t need to write those symbols in input and your output is not expected with thse symbols.

Hope this helped you.

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@vijayiota There is NO ‘<’ or ‘>’ in input/output. The signs ‘>’ and ‘<’ are shown in the sample test case just to denote which is input and which is output. If you have a query about a problem in a contest you should comment below the problem in the space provided (and not here), and the problem setter will usually respond with the answer.

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@meooow , Sorry for the misunderstanding. I’ve corrected the answer.

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thanks and 2*n size (which is (said in question )to be written on sheet of paper) required to taken as input? or not

***i write here becoz , i got not answer at problem statement comments

please explain the input / output clearly and also why its WA even if all constrains of o/p are satisfied

only some have made submisiions to this problem

i request please explain input and output of sastrong textmple test case of problem clearly @admin***

i still can not figure out why it is showing WA even if all conditions of centre x,y are meet

but correct answer with 0 score , should be shown at worst case when output format is as required.
can any one please tell