Editorialist: Jingbo Shang
Easy - Medium
Dynamic Programming
Given 3 types of operations, determine the minimum cost of transforming string S[1…n] to T[1…m].
This problem is similar to the Edit Distance Problem. But here, due to the different cost plan, we need to slightly modify the classical dynamic programming.
Let’s use f[i][j] to stand for the minimum cost of transform S[1…i] to T[1…j]. In this problem, the insert/delete cost is dependent on the length.
Consider the insert operation:
f[i][j - k] + min{k + x, y} --update--> f[i][j]
And the delete operation:
f[i - k][j] + k + x --update--> f[i][j]
Replace/Directly match
f[i][j] + (S[i + 1] != T[j + 1]) --update--> f[i + 1][j + 1]
Since we need to enumerate “k”, the time complexi will be O(n m^2 + n^2 m).