
wrong answers are getting accepted
please read this comment by ashish1294 :My solution is accepted, but I know a test case where my solution fails! @Admin: This has some bug! Try this test case edee dddd eede eeed deee e=empty, d=demon. So user enters 8 co-ordinates of the demons. My solution gives 5 as the ans, but the ans should be 4! What is happening!


So, weak test cases again. @Admin look into this matter and rejudge all the solution. And delete test cases dissucssion comments, there are too many.


Issue still exists. My wrong solution also passed the tests. Please fix this, it’s been almost 4 days since the contest started.

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The test data for Kamehameha has been updated and all the solutions have been put to rejudge.


Are repeats allowed in the input??? If not then my solution is correct and still giving a wrong answer.

You are not allowed to discuss problems during live contest. In general, what’s not prohibited in input is allowed by default…

@admin … should never think of setting any problem again…simple problem but wierd and incorrect test cases (updated but then too people with WA getting ACed !!! )… :frowning:

U should be in touch with the comments altleast…


i think there is still some problem with the test cases…please check before the contest ends