Just reevaluate MIKE3

For following test case my code http://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/3532424
gave wa but its accepted …after some modification i resubmit a new code that give right ans and accepted.

please check for test case

62 20
4 10 12 16 18 
3 12 21 23 
5 21 25 27 28 29 
4 28 32 34 38 
4 32 42 45 49 
5 49 52 55 57 62 
6 2 4 6 8 9 10 
8 1 3 4 6 8 9 12 18 
9 2 4 5 9 12 17 21 22 43
1 8 
1 9 
1 20 
1 34 
1 24 
1 5 
1 45 
1 56 
1 3 
1 5 
2 4 8

reevaluate all submitted problem that accepted bcz of weak testing


@maheiitr Thank you for honestly posting this. I would suggest you write to [email protected] about the problem.

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yeah i already did that …:slight_smile:

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this testcase does not follow the constraints btw

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Ai should be sorted

now its sorted but same affect on output

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Exactly. Testcases are weak!

The test cases are not good enough to judge the solution complexity. My guess is that the size of sets is very small in test cases.

what is the correct answer for this test case ?

Is the answer 12?

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Thanks for your help! We have improved our test cases, all successful submits will be rejudged soon.


yeah that’s why wrong code also accept…:slight_smile:

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3rd array still not sorted it should be 5 21 25 27 28 29

I appreciate your work man - Nice

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it’s a pity , his own solution got WAed on rechecking :-p !!

Keep on working brother, You’ll solve it (y)

its not important that i got wa after rechecking but important thing is learning


In fact this is honourable, he asked for stronger test cases even when his own solution failed…

More contestants like @maheiitr, and because I cannot upvote his question again, I’m giving him some karma…


yeah ans is 12.

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**How it come 12 ? Mine is showing 11… **