Jigsaw Puzzle Solving Confusion

  1. “can place a piece anywhere in the matrix, in case it doesn’t overlap with other pieces”
  2. “each contains a pair of integers X, Y (1 <= X <= H, 1 <= Y <= W), denoting 1-based coordinates of piece’s cell in its’ bounding box”…

as per the given output piece 5 is placed in cells (7,7) (7,8) (7,9) (7,10)…these don’t match with the 14 coordinates provided for piece 5…contrary to statement 2 above

also piece 5’s coordinate (1,2) (2,2) collides with the coordinate of piece 1; now as per statement 1 above we can place either 1 or 5…same with other pieces as well…

have i got the question completely wrong…please clarify…i have asked the same through comments on the problem page but my comment wasn’t displayed…

the coordinates are given with respect to a piece not respect to the puzzle

i am sorry, i re-read the question but still don’t get it. Can you explain this w.r.t the example input given in the question; like w.r.t. piece no 1, 5 and 9.

Second point is input specification - what you can expect in input not, output…