Invitation to CodeChef June Cook-Off 2018 sponsored by ShareChat!

Hello CodeChef Community!

We’re happy to present to you another fresh set of challenges for your coding skills with the June Cook-Off 2018 sponsored by ShareChat. In addition, there are some exciting job/internship opportunities by ShareChat in the June Cook-Off 2018. More details on the June Cook-Off contest page here: COOK95 Looking forward to seeing your participation in yet another exciting monthly contest! Joining me this time on the problem setting panel are:

  • Problem Setter: barenuz (Igor Barenblat)
  • Problem Tester: mgch (Misha Chorniy)
  • Admin: kingofnumbers (Hasan Jaddouh)
  • Problem Editorialist: vijju123 (Abhishek Pandey)
  • Statement Verifier: xellos0 (Jakub Safin)
  • Russian Translator: xcwgf666 (Sergey Kulik)
  • Mandarin Translator: huzecong (Hu Zecong)
  • Vietnamese Translator: (VNOI Team)

Contest Details:

Time: 17th June 2018 (2130 hrs) to 18th June 2018 (0000 hrs). (Indian Standard Time — +5:30 GMT) — Check your timezone.

Contest link:

Registration: You just need to have a CodeChef handle to participate. For all those, who are interested and do not have a CodeChef handle, are requested to register in order to participate.

Top 10 performers in Global and Indian category will get CodeChef laddus, with which the winners can claim cool CodeChef goodies. Know more here: (For those who have not yet got their previous winning, please send an email to [email protected])

Good Luck!
Hope to see you participating!
Happy Programming!


Hello all,

The editorials of ALL problems are now uploaded. I will appreciate any feedback regarding them. Nobody seems to tell if they liked it or not xD. I need it as I keep experimenting with stuff.

Each editorial has a TEST CASE BANK which is currently EMPTY . I will try to add the smaller test cases used in contest in them. Aside from that, any new test case added will be based on solutions getting WA. Users are requested to add test cases which they found tricky. It is a community contribution, lets try to make it a success.

I need feedback on ideas, hence please give that to guide my experimentation. Hope you enjoyed the problems and contest. Hope you enjoy the editorials even more.


Some things I experimented this time were-

  • Integrating implementation with approach/explanation
  • Focusing more on best implementation for the 2 easy problems.
  • Test case bank (will add test cases in an hr or so).

Please give your feedback about these 3 things as well, so I can know which things to modify, which to keep and which to remove :slight_smile:

EDIT2- The links and tags are fixed. All test cases for problems (except GOODPERM and NUMCOMP) were huge. Will request setter if he can make any small test cases for you guys.



Such detailed and enthralling editorials are the highlights of this contest!!
The Test Case Bank, may prove to be a great idea as it lays middle ground between making test cases public after the contest and not revealing anything at all.
Good Work @vijju123 !!


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Where are the editorials ?
I can’t find them.

Hidden from your eyes, hidden somewhere inside the darkest depth of discuss…or checkout my profile for them xD

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