Invitation to CodeChef July Long Challenge 2018!

Non-negative includes 0 by default rules.

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cout << endl;
works for c++ā€¦ use it whenever u wanna flushā€¦

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My first challenge here and NMNMX already became my most hated problem ever. First day I quickly tried brute force on it and got 20 points. Last 5 days have been working on it day and night and improved a lot but still getting 20 points. Is it possible to solve that problem with Python (in normal ways, I got a way to solve it but itā€™s kinda cheating :P)?

Finally passed all test cases! Weird thing one of the first thing I tried days ago helped me. At that I didnā€™t use it because it was taking forever in my local pc, but here codechef dealed with quickly:)


remove your duplicate answers nowā€¦ as u got attention and replyā€¦


so regarding the MAGIC_SET problem, does the order matter.

because for {1 2 1}, both {1 2} and {2 1} are sub-sequences but the elements are same. So is the order meant to be maintained?

When will editorials be posted? Can someone please explain their approach for Gears !!

Didnā€™t have time to implement it, but I guess you can model it it as a graph. If a odd-length cycle exists in a component, then the whole component is ā€œblockedā€. Otherwise, for any two gears X and Y, you can find the speed of Y given Xā€¦ the intermediate gears are quite irrelevant.

Gears? Its a straightforwad DSU - refer here

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Thanks a lot ! I never solved many problems with DSUā€¦just basic ones, i was not aware of it, will have a look at it.

HERE is my codeā€¦
Its neatā€¦
DSU (without path compression (u ll understand why if u go with my logic of bool invert))
Hint: assign 0 or 1 sign to each node (for detecting cycle and for detecting sign of rotating)ā€¦

Thank you!! will refer it :slight_smile:

yes it is possible to solve in python, I passed mine in just 0.24 seconds.
You can have a look at it from searching my name on the leaderboard

Editorial links for PDELIV and SUBWAY july18 are not working.

Thats coz they arent uploaded yet. Editorialist is still writing them.

long challenge lasts for 10 daysā€¦ do codechef hide solutions from editorialist till contest gets ended ? If no , why not still editorialist was able to complete them !!!

Ask that from editorialist himself @l_returns xD. No, he gets all solutions and setterā€™s explanation.

Sorry guys! It was my fault, Didnā€™t read the question properly.

Itā€™s been two days since contest ended and we still donā€™t have editorials for all problemsā€¦please add them