(Topcoder Event)
An Online Programming Competition
Manipal University Jaipur
13th March 2015
Register now and win exciting Prizes…!!!
The event will be an online competition which will be held on the Topcoder platform and will be held in three phases in a total duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Coding Phase:
The participants will have to solve three questions 1 easy, 1 medium and 1 hard each with different points allocated to them. -
Challenge Phase:
Just after 5 minutes of completion of first phase, this phase starts. The participants in the same room in arena check each other’s code and try to pass test cases such that a buggy code fails. If they succeed they get 50 points else they get -25 points. Upon a successful challenge, the points of the challenged code reduces to 0. -
System Test Phase:
In this phase, the system tests every one’s code with a large number of test cases and finalises the result.
Practice Round: - 12th March 2k15 @ 21:30
MAIN EVENT: - 13th March 2k15 @ 21:00
NOTE: To participate in the event, one must login in the arena at least 15 minutes before the start of the event (i.e. max around 20:45 for the MAIN EVENT) and register in the topcoder arena itself.
If you don’t have a topcoder ID, create one here.
Download TOPCODER ARENA click here
(One must have Java installed on their computer.) -
Fill the FORM . This step is mandatory to take part in the MAIN EVENT.
For any further queries just leave us a mail on [email protected]. We will try to help you out with any issue regarding how to use the arena.