Looking for challenges to showcase your skills. We have one for you. Team Innovación brings ALGORITHMIST 2019. This is a solo coding competition which will go live from 08:00 PM today on CodeChef platform.
I am adding words to the trie and while adding i also store at each node the lexicographically largest encrypted code encountered till now in it. As the encrypted code is unique for all the strings I maintain a hashmap with key=encrypted string and value = original string Then for any query my answer is simply the number of vowels in the original string found after searching the prefix in trie. Why is my code giving wrong answer. Can someone provide some test cases where this fails??
check out Errichto's debuuging for this @admin @vijju123 the same code gives TLE now which firstly gave WA [Errichto][2]
[1]: https://www.codechef.com/problems/IALG2
[2]: https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/64758#comment-487130
[3]: https://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/22618092