Internal error in MAY17 challenge problem


I get the error “:frowning: internal error occurred in the system” when I submit my solution for the challenge problem. Can someone please let me know what does this mean?

I searched for other similar threads and the replies are that the problem is on server side but I see that others are getting proper verdict for their solutions.


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That occurs sometimes when the server might be busy or your internet connection was disrupted.
You just need to reload your page & most probably it will not be like that again.

I have made 5 submissions but still no change.

Yes I am also getting this. @anushi this is not the normal internal error that comes usually which goes away by refreshing. Try submitting a solution.

Turns out it took just a few minuted for the page to work again…!

Even i faced a lot of such errors while submitting solutions for May Long. Kinda frustrating…believe me , at one point i thought that i would exhaust the 500 submission limit because of it XD .

BTW, can anyone confirm if these submissions are counted against the limit? Meaning will these submissions get counted for “You can submit only upto 500 submissions for a problem”?

I guess it should count, any way I found lesser probable to use more than 50 submissions… I would be tired after 20 or 30 lol…

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Actually, when you see that its JUST 1-2 test cases failing, then you are like…kind of too obessed with that problem XD

And 200 for tie breakers.

I think I might face an issue for the tie-breaker thing today. :smiley:

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Lmao @mathecodician . Do your best !! :smiley:

:frowning: and this is only 20% of cases…

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So what should we do? Even, I am facing the same problem.