Will there be ICPC India Final this year ?
I think It was not organized last year too…
So, Will it be organized this year. ?
If NOT, may I know why it has been discontinued ?
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Dont know much, but purpose of indian finals was to decide teams to goto WF. This might have meant its possible that no team from an onsite goes to WF if some other teams from other onsites outperform them. Since they decided to allow teams to goto WF from each onsite, a contest among teams from different onsites made no sense. No indian final will happen this year as well.
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Still, if there was a contest all over India, it would have been better.
Because we ( any many other people ) know we have 0 chance of going to WF.
so, We could fight for qualifying in India Final.
There is always something to fight for … Fight for some goal rank ! Top 25, Top 50? Fight against the college teams from your city ! Fight for ACs…