I guess September 2014 Long wasn't an Unrated-contest.. right ?

wake me up when september ends… :smiley:


COdechef is celebrating “No rate september”…


I think the number of people that cheat in a Codechef long contest are way too many and until a good software for detecting plagiarism is made , It would be impossible for the codechef people to update the ratings quickly without making sure that all the cheating cases have been dealt with fairly .

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I guess the cheating cases from ideone can be reduced by incorporating a local editor in codechef… so that people wont have to run the code on ideone


May be they are considering rejudging of Chef and Sequence!

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So we’ll have to wait until someone reads 15000 codes to check for cheaters? Cool story, bro.

There either is software to detect cheaters, in which case it should be pretty fast, or there isn’t (or is unreliable, which boils down to the same thing), in which case the only way to make sure about anything is reading all codes manually.

There is no excuse for why checking cheaters should take a week. yourargumentisinvalid.jpg


Wake up Dude :stuck_out_tongue:


@xellos0 There are software obviously for this. anuj said may be this is the reason. Which i think can be, in case the codechef’s plagiarism detecting software is asymptotically slow.


Took a lot of time for the rating of september 2014 long contest to come.

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HackerRank claims to use a plagiarism detector that “works at the opcode level”. Maybe codechef could also come up with something similar.

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