How to learn Alogrithm

Hi, I am beginner to learn Algorithm. Any book or any Blog i have to refer to learn Tree, Graph, Hashing etc?

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The best book I have ever found to learn Algorithms is by Thomas Cormen (CLRS) …
. Apart from that you can refer to the book by Steve Skiena … After you have learned the concepts do read “The Art of Computer Programming” by Donald E. Knuth .

If you face some problems to code those you may refer to the book by Robert Kruse… That is very helpful and improves your coding skills.


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Obviously Thomas Cormen is the best book to do so but its a quite difficult to understand for beginners.
You can choose coursera’s courses to learn it as a beginner.

Here is the link for “Algorithms, Part I - Princeton University”:
Algorithms, Part I - Princeton University