How to include the Constraints

1 ≤ T ≤ 7

1 ≤ |S| ≤ 10^5

Please specify what you actually want us to help you with.

make the program such that it passes the constraints , for eg- if 1<=n<=10^18 int variables wont work, you would have to use long long int. I hope that solves yr query

If you are asking on how to include these constrains in your code, then let me tell you that constrains are more like tips here, they tell you how big values might be and so that you can adjust your data types to hold those values ( like you need to use long for large numbers and long long for even larger numbers like for example, for 1 ≤ T ≤ 10^13, you will need long long int, a simple int will not be enough ). You don’t need to check for those constrains in your code, the values will always be within the constrains.

Let us consider your case

1 ≤ T ≤ 7

It means that the value for T entered during your program run on codechef will be >= 1 and <= 7.


1 ≤ |S| ≤ 10^5

Probably means that the length of S will be >= 1 and <= 10^5.

Hope this is what you were asking for in your question. :slight_smile:

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You do not need to include the constraints. Constraints are given to check the approximate Order of the algorithm that can pass the problem.

You do not need to explicitly check the constraints in your solution.

Hope it Helps!!!

Happy Coding