How to find ∑1<=i<=n(k mod i) ?

Given two numbers k and n, we have to find ∑1<=i<=n(k mod i),
Constraints n>=1 n < k<=10^9
time limit- 1s
obvious approach is

r = 0;

for i from 1 to n do

	r += (k mod i);

return r 

But it exceeds time limit, Is there a mathematical property to solve this problem in time?

can u provide the problem link

finding total sum and then taking mod…?
i guess it will work…
try this…

@kashish55 mod by what number?

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there exits a sqrt(n) solution, i am formulating that solution, and will post it in a few minutes.

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@darkshadows, eagerly waiting for your O(sqrt(n)) solution :slight_smile:

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there will be at most O(Sqrt(N)) distinct values for floor(N/i).
if i < sqrt(N) there will be at most sqrt(N) values
if i > sqrt(N) there will be at most sqrt(N) values (because floor(N/i) < sqrt(N))

sigma K mod i
= sigma K - floor(K / i) * i
= N * K - sigma floor(K / i) * i

we can calculate sigma floor(K / i) * i fastly for all i that floor(K / i) is the same.

Here is the code

 for (long long i = 1; i <= min(n, k); i++){
    	long long t = k / i, r = min(k / t, n);
    	ans += k * (r - i + 1) - t * (i + r) * (r - i + 1) / 2ll;
    	i = r;
    if (n > k) ans += k * (n - k);