How did my code pass?

Hi. I was solving this question:

My question is very strange. I used pure brute force. The vector ‘bis’ stores all the bisquares upto ‘m’ and the array ‘a’ marks whether ‘i’ is bisquare or not. Since m <= 250 and n <= 25. If we check the number of computations for n=25 and m=250 then they would be roughly (250250)^225. Which would be of the order 10^10. The timelimit of the question is 5 sec. What surprises me is that my code unexpectedly passed and showed the correct output within 2 seconds! Can anyone explain me how? Either I am going somewhere wrong with my math or there is something new to learn.
Also, the test cases were not weak. The last input set was indeed n=25 and m=250.

using namespace std;

int a[125005] = {0};
int n,m;
struct prog {
       int a;
       int d;

bool func(int n) {
                  if(n > 2*m*m) return false;
                  if(a[n] == 0) return false;
                  return true;

bool myfunc(prog i, prog j) {
                 if(i.d < j.d) return true;
                 if(i.d == j.d && i.a < j.a) return true;
                 return false;

int main() {
           ifstream fin("");
           ofstream fout("ariprog.out");
           fin >> n >> m;
           vector<int> bis;
           for(int i = 0;i <= m;i++) {
                   for(int j = i;j <= m;j++) {
                           if(i == j && i == 0) continue;
                           a[i*i+j*j] = 1;
           for(int i = 0;i < 125005;i++) {
                   if(a[i] == 1) bis.push_back(i);
           int k = bis.size();
           vector<prog> ans;
           //cout << bis.size() << endl;      **Checking the number of elements in 'bis'**
           //They came out to be ~21000 when m=250.
           int iterations = 0;         //To check how many iterations were done
           for(int i = 0;i < k;i++) {
                   for(int j = i+1;j < k;j++) {
                           int d = bis[j]-bis[i];
                           int temp = bis[j];
                           bool check = true;
                           for(int ctr = 1;ctr < n-1;ctr++) {
                                   iterations++;   //Checking iterations
                                   temp += d;
                                   if(!func(temp)) {
                                              check = false;
                           if(check == true) {
                                    prog temp2;
                                    temp2.a = bis[i];
                                    temp2.d = d;
           if(ans.size() == 0) fout << "NONE" << endl;
           for(int i = 0;i < ans.size();i++)
                   fout << ans[i].a << " " << ans[i].d << endl;
           //cout << iterations << endl;        //Came out to be around ~10^10
           return 0;
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how did you get 10^10.

I am getting 10^8 as the no of iterations.

Check this out


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