[Help]Why am I getting WA for this spoj problem?

Here is the problem link -GSS1

Here’s my code. I wanted to know why am I getting WA ? I am solving this using segment tree method.

using namespace std;

#define size 50005

struct node{
int total , pre , suf , bst;

	total = pre = suf = bst = 0;
node(int pos): total(pos) , pre(pos) , suf(pos) , bst(pos){

node tree[4*size];
int a[size];

node combine(node low , node high){
node tmp;
tmp.total = low.total + high.total;
tmp.bst = max(max(low.bst , high.bst) , low.suf + high.pre);
tmp.pre = max(low.pre , low.total + high.pre);
tmp.suf = max(high.suf , high.total + low.suf);
return tmp;

void build(int low , int high , int pos)
if(low == high){
tree[pos] = node(a[low]);
	int mid = (low+high)>>1;
	build(low , mid , pos<<1);
	build(mid+1 , high , 1+pos<<1);

	tree[pos] = combine(tree[pos<<1] , tree[1+pos<<1]);

node query(int qlow , int qhigh , int low , int high , int pos)   
if(qlow == low && qhigh == high)return tree[pos];
int mid = (low+high)>>1;

if(qhigh <= mid)return query(qlow , qhigh , low , mid , pos<<1);
if(qlow > mid) return query(qlow , qhigh , mid+1 , high , 1+pos<<1);

node left = query(qlow , mid , low , mid , pos<<1);
node right = query(mid+1 , qhigh , mid+1 , high , 1+pos<<1);

return combine(left , right);


int main()
int n;cin>>n;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cin>>a[i];
build(0 , n-1 , 1);
int q;cin>>q;
	int a,b;cin>>a>>b;
	node res = query(a-1 , b-1 , 0 , n-1 , 1);

return 0;

One approach that works whenever you get a WA is to generate some random test cases and compare your code’s output to the correct answer(which can be found by running those tests against a correct code).

For generating random tests this toolkit comes in handy.

For the correct output you can refer to this code .

Hope this helps.


Thanks , that tool is so useful.

Glad I could be of help!

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thanks @sarvagya for that kit… (y) !