can someone explain me what’s fast input/output. I m sorta new to this stuff and would really appreciate some help. Thank you.
If you submission passed TEST problem, you used fast I/O methods
Simply it means not to use cin and cout. Brief description why to use it is here.
1: if you are using C then you can use following function for fast IO:
inline void Scan_f(int *a) { char c = 0; while(c<33) //c = fgetc_unlocked(stdin); c = getc(stdin); *a = 0; while(c>33) { *a = *a*10 + c - '0'; //c = fgetc_unlocked(stdin); c = getc(stdin); }
and in place of scanf("%d",&t) you should use this function as Scan_f(&t) only.
2: if you are using C++ you can use following technique used by @mukel FAST IO for C++ which is very good.
3:now in JAVA you can create a class which will read the input Fastly by following code
class InputReader {
private InputStream stream;
private byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
private int curChar;
private int numChars;
public InputReader(InputStream stream) { = stream;
public int read() {
if (numChars == -1)
throw new InputMismatchException();
if (curChar >= numChars) {
curChar = 0;
try {
numChars =;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new InputMismatchException();
if (numChars <= 0)
return -1;
return buf[curChar++];
public int nextInt() {
int c = read();
while (isSpaceChar(c))
c = read();
int sgn = 1;
if (c == '-') {
sgn = -1;
c = read();
int res = 0;
do {
if (c < '0' || c > '9')
throw new InputMismatchException();
res *= 10;
res += c & 15;
c = read();
} while (!isSpaceChar(c));
return res * sgn;
public String next() {
int c = read();
while (isSpaceChar(c))
c = read();
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
do {
c = read();
} while (!isSpaceChar(c));
return res.toString();
public static boolean isSpaceChar(int c) {
return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == -1;
class OutputWriter {
private PrintWriter writer;
public OutputWriter(OutputStream stream) {
writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream)));
public OutputWriter(Writer writer) {
this.writer = new PrintWriter(writer);
public void println(int x) {
public void print(int x) {
public void printSpace() {
writer.print(" ");
public void close() {
now you can use above two classes **InputReader** and **OutputWriter** for Input and output Respectively.use as InputStream for constructor InputReader(
The above given C code doesn’t work with the given format Scan_f(&n) because int a expects an integer value. You should properly update this.
getchar_unlocked is very fast and easy to code ( nearly the fastest ), you can check its performance on INTEST question. Using it, you can make custom reading functions for strings, integers and basically everything. Like for inputting non-negative integers you can do:
#define gc getchar_unlocked
int read_int() {
char c = gc();
while(c<'0' || c>'9') c = gc();
int ret = 0;
while(c>='0' && c<='9') {
ret = 10 * ret + c - 48;
c = gc();
return ret;
On windows while testing , you can change #define gc getchar_unlocked to #define gc getchar and change back while submitting.
can u please explain what does two character comparison means in your code i.e.
“while(c<‘0’ || c>‘9’)” implies .Are comparison r occuring in ASCII values or some other context
email id:[email protected]
Can some1 explain…! how does it work?? how is it fast ??
you can use any one of these functions although fgets is fastest
std::chrono::time_pointstd::chrono::steady_clock hClock()
return std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::uint32_t TimeDuration(std::chrono::time_pointstd::chrono::steady_clock Time)
return std::chrono::duration_caststd::chrono::nanoseconds(hClock() - Time).count();
void Benchmark(const char* Name, std::string &str, void(*func)(std::string &str))
auto time = hClock();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
std::cout<<Name<<" took: “<<TimeDuration(time) / 100<<” nano-seconds.\n";
void unlocked_bench(std::string &str)
char c = ‘0’;
while((c = getchar_unlocked()) && (c != -1 && c != ‘\n’ && c != ‘\r’))
str += c;
void getchar_bench(std::string &str)
char c = ‘0’;
while((c = getchar()) && (c != -1 && c != ‘\n’ && c != ‘\r’))
str += c;
void getline_bench(std::string &str)
std::cin.getline(&str[0], str.size());
void scanf_bench(std::string &str)
scanf("%[^\n]100s", &str[0]);
void fgets_bench(std::string &str)
fgets(&str[0], str.size(), stdin);
void cinread_bench(std::string &str)
{[0], str.size());
int main()
std::string str;
Benchmark("getchar_unlocked", str, unlocked_bench);
Benchmark("getchar", str, getchar_bench);
Benchmark("getline", str, getline_bench);
Benchmark("scanf", str, scanf_bench);
Benchmark("fgets", str, fgets_bench);
Benchmark("cinread", str, cinread_bench);
return 0;
inline void Scan_f(int *a)
char c = 0;
is this function fine to go on?? or i should make some changes.Please answer with explanation.
i have used (*a) not (a).My post has somehow got manipulated automaticaly.
betlista, its not the TEST problem, it is the INTEST that uses fast input/output methods. One could find the fast input/output for different languages by clicking the ALL SUBMISSIONS button. #HappyCoding
Your code goes here:
inline void Scan_f(int b)
char n = 0;
n = getc(stdin);
b = 0;
b = b*10 + n - ‘0’;
n = getc(stdin);
happy coding
checking for char is integer or not…
this means…c should belong {‘0’,‘1’,‘2’…‘9’}
we are doing this to avoid any unwanted character or junk data…
hope you get it
When I am using fast I/O code in java for a program, I m getting WA where as the same code is giving TLE+AC without fast I/O. Can somebody tell me what all can be the possible reasons for this conditon? Thanks in advance…
if you can give your code, we may help you better. Though I suspect it has something like string input taking null character at end of line, or something related to incompatible data types/out of range values or input not assigning them values properly (due to which garbage values are being used- Like if we forget’&’ in scanf("%d",&n); )
I am happy to help dear
inline void Scan_f(int b) { char n = 0; while(n<33) n = getc(stdin); b = 0; while(c>33) { b = b*10 + n - ‘0’; n = getc(stdin); }
in this code c is not difine…