Hello @all,
I haven’t had any time to actually “attend” the cook-off, as I was busy with other things in the meantime… However, I still thought about this problem a bit, as I have read alike statements many times…
My idea was to devise some counting function such that the answer could be obtained in the fashion F®-F(L-1) where L and R stand for the left and right limits of the interval.
I also realized the “pattern” such that:
Sum(1,X) = 1*sum of i for i in (1, 9) + 2*sum of i for i in (10, 99)+ ... + length(X)*sum of i for i in (10^(length(X)), X)
but I couldn’t make any use of it besides this deduction…
I also thought about pre-computing all the values for the sums of numbers with same length and then just play with the offsets… Here’s my Python solution:
def summa(a,b):
if a > b:
return 0;
return (a+b)*(a-b-1)/(-2)
L = [i*summa(pow(10,i-1),pow(10,i)-1) for i in range(1,10)]
i = int(raw_input())
while i > 0:
l,u = [int(x) for x in raw_input().split()]
x = len(str(l))
y = len(str(u))
answerl = 0
answeru = 0;
for j in range(x-1):
answerl += L[j]
answerl += (x*summa(pow(10,x-1),l))
for jj in range(y-1):
answeru += L[jj]
answeru += (y*summa(pow(10,y-1),u))
if len(str(l)) < len(str(u)):
print (answeru-answerl+l)%1000000007
print (answeru-answerl+2*l)%1000000007
which obviously gets WA veredict…
I tried to read some solutions (@mugurelionut , @alex_2oo8…) and they all use this same counting function approach…
I would like to know the logic they used in order to devise their correct counting scheme, as the rest is only implementation details…
Any tips will be great!!
Best regards,