Hi all,
i submitted my code for “baking business problem” - https://www.codechef.com/problems/BAKE
It was giving me correct answer for all my test cases but it gives “wrong answer” when i submit
using namespace std;
int main()
/* The number of inputs*/
int numberOfInputs;
/* The Map storing values of input type I*/
map<int,vector<string> > Imap;
/* The Vector storing values of input type Q*/
vector<string> Qvec;
/*Vector stporing the value of Output*/
vector<int> output;
cin >> numberOfInputs;
for (int i=0; i< numberOfInputs; i++)
vector<string> inputValues;
string inputType;
string productSize;
string provinceDetail;
string gender;
string age;
string unitsSold;
cin >> inputType;
if ( inputType == "I")
cin >> productSize >> provinceDetail >> gender >> age >> unitsSold;
Imap.insert(pair<int,vector<string> >(i,inputValues) );
else if(inputType == "Q")
int result = 0;
string ageRange;
cin >> productSize >> provinceDetail >> gender >> ageRange;
for(map<int,vector<string> > ::iterator itI = Imap.begin();itI != Imap.end();itI++)
int prodI,prodQ,sizeI,sizeQ;
int posI = itI->second.at(0).find(".");
int posQ = Qvec.at(0).find(".");
/* If there is no decimal separation*/
if(posI == -1) { prodI = atoi(itI->second.at(0).c_str()); sizeI =0;}
if(posQ == -1) { prodQ = atoi(Qvec.at(0).c_str()); sizeQ =0;}
/*If there is subdivision, then the string values are converetd to integer*/
if(posI != -1)
prodI = atoi(itI->second.at(0).substr(0,posI).c_str());
int size1 = itI->second.at(0).size();
sizeI = atoi(itI->second.at(0).substr(posI+1,size1).c_str());
if(posQ != -1)
prodQ = atoi(Qvec.at(0).substr(0,posI).c_str());
int size1 = Qvec.at(0).size();
sizeQ = atoi(Qvec.at(0).substr(posI+1,size1).c_str());
string IProv,IReg,ICity;
string QProv,QReg,QCity;
int Ip,Ic,Ir;
int Qp,Qc,Qr;
int posPI = itI->second.at(1).find(".");
int posPQ = Qvec.at(1).find(".");
if( posPI == -1) {Ip = atoi(itI->second.at(1).c_str()); Ic = 0; Ir=0;}
if( posPQ == -1) {Qp = atoi(Qvec.at(1).c_str()); Qc = 0; Qr=0;}
if(posPI != -1)
Ip = atoi(itI->second.at(1).substr(0,posPI).c_str());
int sizePI = itI->second.at(1).size();
ICity = itI->second.at(1).substr(posPI+1,sizePI);
Ic = atoi(itI->second.at(1).substr(posPI+1,sizePI).c_str());
int posPI1 = ICity.find(".");
if(posPI1 == -1) { Ir = 0;}
if(posPI1 != -1)
int sizePI2 = itI->second.at(1).substr(posPI+1,sizePI).size();
Ic = atoi(ICity.substr(0,posPI1).c_str());
Ir = atoi(ICity.substr(posPI+1,sizePI2).c_str());
if(posPQ != -1)
Qp = atoi(Qvec.at(1).substr(0,posPI).c_str());
int sizePI = Qvec.at(1).size();
QCity = Qvec.at(1).substr(posPI+1,sizePI);
Qc = atoi(Qvec.at(1).substr(posPI+1,sizePI).c_str());
int posPI1 = QCity.find(".");
if(posPI1 == -1) { Qr = 0;}
if(posPI1 != -1)
int sizePI2 = Qvec.at(1).substr(posPI+1,sizePI).size();
Qc = atoi(QCity.substr(0,posPI1).c_str());
Qr = atoi(QCity.substr(posPI+1,sizePI2).c_str());
if( ((prodI == prodQ && sizeI == sizeQ) || ( prodI == prodQ && sizeQ == 0) ||(Qvec.at(0) == "-1")) &&( (prodI >= 0) && (prodI <= 10) && (sizeI >= 0) && ( sizeI <= 3)) )
/*Check for matching Province the city and the Division*/
if(((Qp==Ip && Qc== Ic && Qr == Ir) || (Qp==Ip && Qc== Ic && Qr == 0) || (Qp==Ip && Qc== 0 && Qr == 0) || (Qvec.at(1) == "-1") ) &&( (Ip >= 0) && ( Ip <= 10) && (Ic >= 0) && (Ic <= 20 ) && (Ir >= 0 ) &&(Ir <= 5)) )
/*Check for matching gender*/
if(itI->second.at(2) == Qvec.at(2))
int range = Qvec.at(3).find("-");
int rng_siz = Qvec.at(3).size();
/*Condition to Check if the age in Queery is given as a range*/
if(range == -1)
int age = atoi(Qvec.at(3).substr(0,2).c_str());
if( atoi(itI->second.at(3).c_str()) == age && atoi(itI->second.at(3).c_str()) >=1 && atoi(itI->second.at(3).c_str()) <= 90)
/*Calculating the number of units sold totally for given Querry*/
if(atoi(itI->second.at(4).c_str()) <= 100) {result=result+atoi(itI->second.at(4).c_str());}
if (range != -1)
int age1 = atoi(Qvec.at(3).substr(0,range).c_str());
int age2 = atoi(Qvec.at(3).substr(range+1,rng_siz).c_str());
/*Checking for correct Age with the given age range*/
if( atoi(itI->second.at(3).c_str()) >= age1 && atoi(itI->second.at(3).c_str()) <= age2 && (atoi(itI->second.at(3).c_str()) >= 1) && (atoi(itI->second.at(3).c_str()) <= 90) )
/*Calculating the number of units sold totally for given Querry*/
if(atoi(itI->second.at(4).c_str()) <= 100 ){ result=result+atoi(itI->second.at(4).c_str());}
for(vector<int> :: iterator it= output.begin();it != output.end();it++)
cout << (*it) << endl;
return 0;