having problem with struct memory allocation.Help please

What is wrong with the code

struct idendity{
 char name[8];
int age;
char gender;
typedef struct idendity id;

id boys[20];
void main()
int p,q,n=0;

printf("How many boys?:");

{  printf("Student %d name:",(p+1));


printf("\nStudent %d gender:",(p+1));


printf("\nStudent %d age:",(p+1));

printf("Student[%d] (%s) and Student[%d] (%s) are actually same person.\n",(p+1),boys[p].name,(q+1),boys[q].name);



I think it’s because i haven’t allocated memory for it.It works fine if I set the struct variables before compiling.But doesn’t work if want to take input.But I don’t get this stuff.I have declared an array of 20 elements .Then why I need to take memory again?
This may be a trivial one.But I m a new in C.So,I m not much familiar with the memory and pointer stuff.Hope will get help.Thanks.

I hope you are aware that the user can input at most 20 for the first question “How many boys?”

Because you have declared id boys[20]

Next, your program is fine within the domain, but the problem is when you’re asking for the gender.


This will simply take the previous newline character and hence next statement in the printf will be prompted on the screen. You can sort out this issue by adding a dummy getchar() or manipulating the scanf to incorporate the newline fed previously.

Here is the modified code snippet

printf("Student %d name:",(p+1));
getchar();                                    //Notice this!
printf("\nStudent %d gender:",(p+1));
printf("\nStudent %d age:",(p+1));

Next you are lacking something in the name comparison part, try to figure it out yourself. Because that is an easy part. Good Luck!

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