Hackathon Submission => Codechef Annual Report: Professionals Do It with Certification

App Name: Codechef Annual Report

Team Name: gladiators1993

Team Handle: gladiators1993

Team Members: Mudit Madhogaria and Arindam Pani

Description: Codechef Annual Report is designed to help the Codechef coder community to get certified yearly.The application returns a yearly rankings of users based on Codechef monthly Long Challenge. Through this ranklist, certificates can be distributed to the participants based on their performance

I don’t understand this very well. I think CodeChef already has a CCDSAP certification, I don’t think they will give some other/same type of certification based on the long challenge scores. Though nice work :slight_smile:

Hi Sweta,

Thanks and we appreciate your thoughts :slight_smile:

We are aware of that certification, and as we couldn’t give much time we just developed using the long challenge ranklist. Actually in the PPT it is mentioned that we can integrate with the Codechef rating system to find out the yearly performance which will include all the contests hosted by Codechef.