getting paragraph without using gets() function

  • This is my code…
  • This will executing infinte times…
  • can any help me to getting the paragraph without gets()

char str[100];int i=0;

  • If i use gets()function in cstring, iam getting the error like gets() function is out of scope…

hi @prashanthth not sure what exactly you mean by a “paragraph” but clearly your code doesn’t seem to be a good one. You don’t need to use a for loop.

I assume that you basically want to input a string which has spaces, and since you do not want to use a gets() you can use an alternative ie getline(). For that you can use this in c++:

int main()
    char a[100];
    cout << a;

If that doesn’t answer your question, i would request you be a little more specific as to what your requirement is, or even post the problem link which you are solving. :slight_smile:

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I dnt understnd y u can’t use gets man

agree with @yo_baby. You just need to include the proper header.

Don’t understand what you are asking but

  1. if you want to use gets() then include stdio.h header.

    int main(){
     char a[100];
     return 0;
  2. If you don’t want to use gets() then you can use getline.

  • gets()

    If you are using headers of both c and c++ in c++ then you need namespacing.

      using namespace std; // add this line
      int main()
       char a[100];
       return 0;
  • getline()

     int main ()
       string name;    
       cout << "Please, enter your full name: ";
       cout << "Hello, " << name << "!\n";
       return 0;