Getting NZEC in one test case of the problem "SUPW".

I have been trying to solve the problem SUPW, but I am getting NZEC in one test case.
Here is link to my solution, help me to figure out what is wrong with my solution.

Your solution seems alright. There is something with that TC, perhaps an extra space or something. I will inform @admin to fix that.

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The problem is with Test Case. I’m sure.

In second TC, N is not same as the number of integers in the next line.

I remember getting many REs in 2nd TC before getting AC.

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Sorry for the error. The testdata has been fixed now.


I should get some laddus for this. :wink:

Hmmm. Will you give us a treat? :3 :stuck_out_tongue:


U surely deserve a reward for identifying this.

And the reward is… . A beautiful green tick :wink:

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I have seen your transition from 3* to 5* and I am very much inspired from you. I will surely give you a treat.

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No green tick, I want 300 laddus for identifying this.

Awww, that was so sweet of you arpit!

@vijju123 @taran_1407

Guys can you please look into THIS ISSUE not a single person has replied to it. I am feeling very bad, I have spent lot of time on debugging this.