Author: Denis Anishchenko
Tester: Hasan Jaddouh
Editorialist: Sarv Shakti Singh
Difficulty: Easy
Prerequisites: Basic maths, gcd
Problem: Given an array of length N
and a number K
, you are allowed to perform as many operations. In each operation, you can divide any element in the array with a positive number less than or equal to ‘K’. Determine if it possible to modify the array by applying as many operations in such a way that the GCD of the resulting array’s elements is 1.
Explanation: It is easy to see that the answer is NO
if there exists a positive prime number greater than K
that divides each element of the array. So, the answer is YES
if the largest prime factor of the GCD of the array is less than or equal to K
Once you have the GCD of the array, all that remains is to check if there exists a prime factor of the GCD that is greater than K
. It could be done by this function:
bool check(int GCD, int K){
int max_prime = 1;
for(int i = 2; i <= sqrt(GCD); i++){ //find maximum of all the prime factors till sqrt
while(GCD % i == 0){
GCD /= i;
max_prime = max(max_prime, i);
max_prime = max(max_prime, GCD); //either GCD is reduced to 1 or a prime factor
//greater than sqrt(GCD)
if(max_prime <= K)
return true;
return false;
We have O(\sqrt{M} + n + \log{M}) solution per testcase, where M - is maximal number, O(\sqrt{M}) to factorize G and O(n + \log{M}) to calculate gcd of all numbers). It’s good exercise to think why counting of gcd of all numbers takes O(n + \log{M})).
Author’s solution can be found here.
Tester’s solution can be found here.