Could someone please give me a basic intuition between the Floyd Warshall algorithm like how you would explain it to a layman? In addition to when it is/isn’t preferred over Dijakstra’s algorithm?
I’ve tried looking up various sources but it’s like, if I read a pseudocode I am able to understand what they are doing but not why they are doing it, which is pretty pointless as that is not the right way to learn.
Hi. I’m not a pro coder nor am I an expert on graph theory, but I wanted to share what I know.
Essentially, Djikstra’s Algorithm is used to find the shortest distance from a particular node to another given node (shortest as in, cheapest or lightest).
On the other hand, Floyd-Warshall is used to find shortest costs of all-pairs of possible paths (refer to FREETICKET problem for an example/implementation).
Hope I could help a bit. Please ping back if you find anything confusing.
@sandy999 acctually i was also hvin the same trouble…but this video made it all clear…
Plz. find my code for FREETICKETS and help me locate the errors.
u can find it in the disc. on FREETICKET.