FLOORI4 - Editorial

Problem link : contest practice

Difficulty : Easy

Pre-requisites : AD-hoc problems experience

Solution :

At first, the formula for the sum of 14+24+…+n4 is n(1+n)(1+2n)(-1+3n+3n2)/30. The level of the problem is EASY, so the formula can be found on the internet.

At second, there are only sqrt(n) different values for [n/i] over all i from 1 to n. This fact is also well known and can be proved.

So, the solution is as follows:

  • We iterate all the different values of [n/i].
  • For each such value X we can calculate the maximal range [L; R] such that for each i, L <= i <= R, [n/i] = X. When we have a segment, we can calculate an answer for it, using the above formula in O(1).

So the total time complexity is O(sqrt N) per a test case.

Setter’s solution: link

Tester’s solution: link


Why the same implementation in python gave TLE, but worked in java,cpp ?


I always observe that for last 3-4 problems in each contest we don’t find a single Python submission and for editorial approach also we get tle, so codechef should increase time limit for Python or provide a Python solution or remove Python option for such problem statements.


Links to the setter and tester solution don’t work!

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all right … the part I got stuck at was dividing it by 30. Since M is given as input, what is the guarantee that the modulo inverse of 30 exists ?


@krooonal You can play a trick as : just multiply ‘m’ with ‘30’.Say this as M.i.e M=m*30;now perform modulo using M.Finally divide the anser with 30.Refer my solution : http://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/4803010 .POWER() method in my solution :slight_smile:


@achaitanyasai You just changed my life. Now i think that my whole life has been a lie :stuck_out_tongue: man, i spent 4 hours thinking about that and still coudn’t get a right answer :confused: Thanx for the help, man!


It seems out of 696 solutions for this problem, none were in Python 2/3. This does not seem fair…


I agree. They should make python (and all other slow languages for that matter) TLs flexible depending on the algo expected for the problem.

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Can anyone please explain how does the “multiplying m by 30 and then dividing result by 30” approach works??


Can anyone please explain what is wrong with this approach? And isn’t the formula for (1^4)+(2^4)+…, while we need to calculate (1^4)(n/1) + (2^4)(n/2) +…?




using namespace std;

int main()


unsigned int n_of_tst,i,j,nbyi;

long double n,m,ans[3000]={0};


return 0;


Same solution in Ruby gives TLE. Codechef team should seriously consider increasing the time limit for slower languages for such problems.

1 upvote from my side. I had no idea before hosting this problem that python would time out. Setter(Myself) and Tester did wrote C++ code and believed that the multiplier would work fine! I personally do not like changing problem/time limit in running contest after it had a lot of submissions. If i had seen this issue when only 5/10 users had tried then i would have definitely changed the time limit. I thought it was not a serious issue and the guys will enjoy handling overflows in C/Java/C++.I apologize and promise that all my easy/simple/cakewalk problems will be solvable in python.Thanks :slight_smile:


When we say that a=b mod m (0<=b<m) we mean that the remainder when a is divided by m is b. This is equivalent to saying that there exists an integer q such that qm+b=a. We are trying to prove that if n/k=x mod m (0<=x<n, k>0), then n=xk mod mk and 0<=xk<mk. We know that n/k=x mod m is equivalent to saying that there exists a q such that qm+x=n/k. Multiplying by k, we see that (qk)m+xk=n. We see that this is equivalent to the statement we are trying to prove(with q’=qk and remainder xk), and that additionally 0<=xk<mk since 0<=x<m.


I did the same in Python and was getting TLE…!!!

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A good answer, thanks @devuy11 :slight_smile:


@achaitanyasai Can you please explain why this trick works from a mathematical point of view?


Can some please explain me this
there are only sqrt(n) different values for [n/i] over all i from 1 to n

eg: n= 25
I get different values of floor(n/i), they are as follows

1 25,
2 12,
3 8,
4 6,
5 5,
6 4,
7 3,
8 3,
9 2,
10 2,
11 2,
12 2,
13 1,
14 1,

so different values are 25, 12, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


@tonynater when we say a=b mod m we mean that when b is divided by m ‘a’ is the remainder???

@szilard see tonynater explaination…below