FED UP with this slow and unresponsive discuss now !!

don’t loose hope
“surely a response will come” :wink:


@vijju123 so you’re a farmer eh?


I shared my problem idea in the initial days of Feb.

I assumed I’d get a reply for rejection/acceptance. I considered only 2 possibilities.

But I was wrong.

After waiting for 2 weeks I decided to write to codechef. After numerous emails, the last mail I received had “soon” in it.

I was very happy to know at least I’d receive rejection/acceptance email soon, instead of pending status. Right after, I made a few problems in case if that one doesn’t get accepted.

However, after waiting for 10 days I didn’t get any reply. I decided to write to codechef again. This time I sent one of my prepared problems which was better than the previous one. Still, I didn’t receive any email.

The last email I received was 2 weeks ago which had “soon” in it.

I talked with a few members who shared their experiences. Then I realized, a few weeks is not a long time here. I’m still waiting for the opportunity :slight_smile:


That’s a sad story… keep waiting and have patience… That’s why I dedicated that pic to you… XD

Haha, can relate :smiley:

Yeah :). Pray for me xD

Yes. I farm respect in hearts of people <3


:smiley: @vijju123

Got my laddus finally… Thanks to CodeChef :slight_smile:

Hope they are gonna resolve discuss issue soon…

Well, if nothing else, they credited the laddoos for last 1+ month’s college contests today!

Let’s hope they credit the ones for their own contests soon as well :slight_smile:

Yeah I also got laddus of my streak…