FACTORIZ september challenge

Can anyone explain in example-1, why 10 * 10 is written instead of 2 * 2 * 5 * 5. In first case,m=2 but in second case m=4. It is written in question that maximize m.


that’s just an example.
Your task is to maximize m but all m integers when multiplied should give the actual number.

you need to maximize m as much as you can within the given time limit.

I cant understand clearly…

In a challenge problem you don’t need to provide the most optimal solution. But solutions closer to the optimal value will receive more points.

100 = 1 * 100 (m=1)
100 = 10 * 10 (m=2)
100=10 * 2 * 5 (m=3)
100=2 * 2 * 5 * 5(m=4)

All are correct solutions but the first one will receive least points and the last one gets maximum points.

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