Extending MARCH14

Regrading of SSTORY that happened yesterday suprised me. I didn’t have enough time available so I decided to do first six problems last week, and some more tonight. It all started out great, but now, my SSTORY solution gives WA, and there is a lot more to code in order to fix it. If I knew that my code was wrong, I would’ve coded more last week and fixed it, thus staying on my own schedule. Now I didn’t even manage to do SSTORY, let alone do some more problems. I think that fixing weak test cases is good, but it can put some competitors in a bad situation, risking the rating in the process. I’m pretty much giving up now, with at least two problems I am able to solve unsolved.

As far as I can tell, you won’t extend the contest. I just wanted to tell you my opinion on this: we deserve this contest to be extended for a day or two, because of the inconvenience caused.

Best regards,


Hello @randomusername

Taking into account the time when we did the last rejudge, the contest has now been extended by 24 hours…

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused!




when ranking updated of march14?

I think the challenge problem has been re judged. So it will be done in 2-3 days i guess.