@admin @vijju123 I am not able to filter according to rating of my college IIT kanpur. Please fix this.
I am attaching screenshot and url of web page below.
Also, when i type kanpur in college search box on rating page I cannot find IIT kanpur, which is not the case with contest ranking page. Where on typing kanpur I can find first option IIT Kanpur.

These are the ratings for your institute: https://www.codechef.com/ratings/all?filterBy=Institution%3DIndian%20Institute%20of%20Technology%20Kanpur&order=asc&sortBy=global_rank
You need to type “Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur”. Unfortunately, “Indian Institute Of Technology - Kanpur” is also an option in the list of institutions, so that yields no data. Even “IIT Kanpur” won’t give any data, it is the case for most IITs - you need to type full name.
EDIT: Perhaps it will be great if all entries with no data (i.e. no users from that institution) are removed from the list of suggestions.
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@swapnilrustagi found my college. Thanks