Dynamic Programming : SPOJ EDIST

You can avoid sigsev by alloting arr of size 4*MAX to be on the safe side, I too face this problem sometimes.

Thanks. Will take this into account! :smiley:

@cosmosh has been banned. :slight_smile:

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Thanks @skbly7 , we all appreciate the efforts you admins undertake to keep forums clean. And I guarantee you that its MUCH better than what it was before :slight_smile:


I just want to add that sometimes you actually need a map instead of an array when the indices to be accessed are very large but we don’t need to calculate all of them. For example, this problem.


Okay, cool idea will implement it, I had solved that problem by saving numbers upto 10^6, if number was greater than 10^6, I had broken the number until it is less than 10^6 and thus produced the max