Directi coding round

Is it possible to get the questions given in the recent Directi coding round (held on 09-02-2014) and possibly solutions any where?
[I participated in the round, forgot to note down the qns. Asking this just out of interest and not for any other use].

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  • first question can be done by dp,
    let l be no of lists then for all 2^l possible filters calculate the friend id’s who are associated with each filter and store them by using bit masking in let’s say in[][]

         for each filter in 2^l possible filters        
                consider this as including filter  
                i=bit mask of including filter  
                for each filter in 2^l possible filters // excluding filter        
                j=bit mask of excluding subset   
                we can get the friend ids associated with the included and excluded filters from in[i][],in[j][] and we can verify if this combination of included and excluded filter is valid or not in o(n) time and store it in dp[i][j]  
         now validity of each post can be calculated from dp[][] in o(1).
         total time complexity O(n*2^(2*l)).      
    •  for second question,
       let 't' be the weight which must be measured,   
       generate the sequence an store in lets say a[]   
       for any a[i] to be the maximum weight that is used for measuring a weight 't' , a[i] must be the smallest weight for which the condition t<=a[i]+a[i-2]+a[i-4]... holds  
         find the maximum weight which must be used, say a[i]   
         add a[i] to current side   
         if (a[i]>t)    
           t=a[i]-t,change side    

You could write the statement too, since he’s asking for problems&solutions :smiley:

@abhinav1234 >> thanks for sharing your approach. :slight_smile:

@freeman92 >> Give me your email address. I will mail the problem statements and test cases to you.

can you please write the function for second problem. is it f(n)=2*f(n-1)+f(n-2) or something else???

@bugkiller it would be great if you could share it on some public forum or …mail me on my id [email protected]. thanku

@abhinav1234 >> Yes it is the same that you have written.
@johri21 >> Okay, I am uploading publicly. I’ll post the link asap.

Question 1/2

Compromised Posts

This is year 4096 and humans have found a medicine for immortality in the year 2048. Tukro a famous online social
networking site founded in the year 3072 was celebrating its 1024th anniversary. To celebrate the occasion its CEO, Shark,
and his team had launched a unique personalised video of length 17min 4sec for each user. The video consisted of a collage
of all popular posts made by the user on Tukro.

Raka shared this video with all his friends without reviewing it. Immediately after he finished watching the 1024 second
length clip he realised that he made a huge mistake. The video was made of all posts made by Raka, irrespective of the
privacy settings of the individual post.

A post is compromised if a friend who was not supposed to see the original post, has seen it now. Raka wants to know how
many of his posts have been compromised. Tukro provides the list of users who have watched the video till now. Help Raka
find how many posts were compromised.

Raka has N friends, identified by a unique integer between 0 and N-1.

Raka has L lists of friends, identified by a unique integer between 0 and L-1.

Each list can be of length at the most N.

One friend cannot be added more than once to the same list.

A list must have at least one friend.

A friend may be added to multiple lists.

Visibility of a post in Tukro works through two filters

Include Filter: An array of lists, from the L lists above. Friends can view a post if they belong to any friend list, specified in
the Include Filter.

Exclude Filter: An array of lists, from the L lists above. Friends can view a post if their name does not belong to any friend
list, specified in the Exclude Filter.
Some caveats of the above are
If no Filter is active, the post is visible to all friends
If only Include Filter is active, a friend can see the post only if he is present in at least one of the lists of Include Filter.
If only Exclude Filter is active, a friend can see the post only if he is not present in any of the lists of exclude filter.
If both Include and Exclude Filters are active, a friend can see the post if and only if
he is present in at least one of the lists of include filter and
he is not present in any of the lists of exclude filter
if he is present in both an include filter list, and exclude filter list, he should not be able to see the post

Input Specification

First line contains a single integer N, the number of friends.

Second line contains a list of integers separated by a single space. The first integer V, represents the number of friends who
viewed the video. There are V other integers in the line representing the ID’s of friends who viewed the video.

Third line contains a single integer L representing the number of lists.

L lines follow. Each line representing a list. The first integer of the line A, denotes the size of the list; followed by A integers,
each denoting the friends in the list.

Next line contains a single integer P denoting the number of posts in the video. 2 * P lines follow. Each pair denoting the
Include Filter and Exclude Filters of one post respectively.
First two lines denote the Include and Exclude Filters for first post
Next two lines denote the Include and Exclude Filters of second post
and so on…

An include filter is represented by a list of space separated integers. The first integer B represents the number of lists in the
filter. B may be 0, to denote that the include filter is not active. If B is more than 0, the include filter is active and the next B
integers in the line denote the ID’s of lists present in the include filter.

Exclude filters are also represented in the same format.

Output Specification

Print a single integer specifying the number of posts that are compromised according to the definition above.


1 ≤ N ≤ 10000
1 ≤ P ≤ 100000

Note that the constraints on N and P are large.

Your solution will exceed time limits if its complexity is O(N*P).

Even O(V*P) solutions may exceed time limit!

Note the small constraint on L.

Sample Input 1

8 1 2 5 6 0 9 8 7
2 4 3
2 7 6
3 0 1 5
3 2 8 9
1 0
1 1
3 1 2 3

Sample Output 1


There are 10 friends. Their ID's are from 0 to 9
8 of them viewed the video = {0,1,2,5,6,7,8,9}
There are 4 lists
List-0 has 2 friends {3,4}
List-1 has 1 friend {7,6}
List-2 has 3 friends {0,1,5}
List-3 has 3 friends {2,8,9}
There are 4 posts
Post-0 doesn't have any include filter but has List-0 - {3,4} - in exclude filter
3, or 4, have not seen the video
Hence Post-0 is not compromised
Post-1 has an include filter of List-1 - {7,6} - and no exclude filter.
But other friends have seen the video
Hence Post-1 is compromised
Post-2 doesn't have any filters. Such a post was intended to be seen by anyone.
Hence Post-2 is not compromised.
Post-3 has a include filter of List-1, List-2 and List-3.
Their union is {0,1,2,5,6,7,8,9}
These are the exact friends who saw the video
Hence Post-3 is not compromised
Hence only 1 post is compromised.

Sample Input 2
2 2 3
1 0
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
3 2 3 4
1 0
3 1 2 3
3 0 1 3
3 2 3 4
1 0

Sample Output 2
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Question 2/2

Weighted Stone Arrangement##

You are given an infinite number of stones.

The 1st stone has the weight 1

The 2nd stone has the weight 3

The tth stone has the weight W(t) = 2 * W(t-1) + W(t-2)

Thus, the weights of the first 10 stones are
1, 3, 7, 17, 41, 99, 239, 577, 1393, 3363

Note that you only have one stone of each weight.

You have a weighing machine which is the age old 2-pan balance. You wish to use this machine to measure the weight of an
item whose weight is T. The item will always be kept on the right pan. A stone may be kept on either one of the pans. Also,
it is not required to use all the stones.

The stones have a weird magnetic property, due to which, the kth stone cannot be in the same pan as the (k-1)th stone. This
means that the stone with weight 239 cannot be in the same pan as the stone with weight 99, or in the same pan as the stone
with weight 577; and so on.

For example,
T = 11 can be measured as
LEFT PAN: 1, 17

Note that the other alternative

LEFT PAN: 1, 3, 7

is Illegal since 3 cannot be in the same pan as 1 (or 7 cannot be in the same pan as 3).

T = 21 can be measured as
RIGHT PAN: 3, 17

It can be proven that to measure any weight T, there exists a unique arrangement of stones that satisfy the given constraints
and measure weight T. Thus, T = 11 or T = 21 can only be measured by the respective arrangements above.

You are given T in the input. Output the arrangement of stones that measures T.

Input Specification
The input contains a single positive integer T.

Output Specification
Output the weights of the stones used on the left pan in increasing order, one number per line.     Then output a blank line.
Followed by the weights of the stones used on the right pan in increasing order. Note that it is     assumed that the item will be
kept on the right pan.
If there is no stone kept on the right pan, simply output the weights of the stones used on the     left pan in increasing order as
above, followed by a blank line.

1 ≤ T ≤ 1015

Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

Sample Output 3


Posted problem statements assuming that sharing problems won’t harm anyone.


@bugkiller >> thanks for sharing the problem statements :slight_smile:

@bit_cracker007>> why are the links to code removed ??

Here are my solutions to both problems.

Compromised Posts

Weighted Stone Arrangement

I could only do the first question during the contest. Did the second after the contest. So hopefully it is correct.

Used bitmasking in the first. Second is quite clear from the solution.

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The results were to come out today. Did anyone get a mail from them?

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I’m wondering about the same thing. No response yet.

These links are not working

@himank77 Should be working now.