Can anyone provide me code©/algorithm(loopless) for Dijkstra’s k shortest path algorithm using matrix convention ??
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For all v ∈ V, d[v] = ∞, H.insert(v, d[v])
d[s] = 0, H.decreasepriority(s, 0)
while(!H.empty()) {
v = H.deletemin()
for all w adjacent to v {
d[w] = min(d[w], d[v] + l(v, w))
H.decreasepriority(w, d[w])
s is the source vertex
d[v] denotes the distance
other symbols have their usual meanings
Isn’t this an algorithm for “shortest path” problem and not “k shortest path” problem ?
oops, I just read the Dijkstra thing. And posted the single source shortest path algo from my notes that I was revising.
Loopless algo, report nudity!