CP1 - Editorial




Author: D. Vishnu Vardhan reddy

Tester: D. Vishnu Vardhan reddy

Editorialist: D. Vishnu Vardhan reddy




DP, Math(factors).


Given an array P of prime numbers , find the Nth number that has its prime factors in P.


We can generate the sequence by multiplying the prime factors with the numbers in the sequence itself and finding the minmum in each step.
for example consider prime factors P = [2,3,5], and the quantity to find n = 5

Let k be size of given array of prime numbers.
Declare a list for sequence.
1)Insert first number (which is always 1) into list.

2)Initialize array multipler[k] of size k with 0. Each element of this array is iterator for corresponding prime in primes[k] array.

3)Initialize nextMultipe[k] array with primes[k]. This array behaves like next multiple variables of each prime in given primes[k] array i.e; nextMultiple[i] = primes[i] * sequence[++multiple_of[i]].

4)Now loop until there are n elements in sequence.

a) Find minimum among current multiples of primes in nextMultiple[] array and insert it in the list of the sequence.

b) Then find this current minimum is multiple of which prime .

c) Increase iterator by 1 i.e; ++multipler[i], for next multiple of current selected prime and update nextMultiple for it.

Example tracing: p=[2,3,5], n = 5 Let for easy understanding ,multiplier[]= i2,i3,i4


sequence[] = | 1 |
i2 = i3 = i5 = 0;

First iteration

sequence[1] = Min(sequence[i2]*2, sequence[i3]*3, sequence[i5]*5)

        = Min(2, 3, 5)

       = 2

sequence[] = | 1 | 2 |

i2 = 1, i3 = i5 = 0 (i2 got incremented )

Second iteration

sequence[2] = Min(sequence[i2]*2, sequence[i3]*3, sequence[i5]*5)

         = Min(4, 3, 5)
         = 3
sequence[] =  | 1 | 2 | 3 |

i2 = 1,  i3 =  1, i5 = 0  (i3 got incremented ) 

Third iteration

sequence[3] = Min(sequence[i2]*2, sequence[i3]*3, sequence[i5]*5)

         = Min(4, 6, 5)
         = 4

sequence[] =  | 1 | 2 | 3 |  4 |

i2 = 2,  i3 =  1, i5 = 0  (i2 got incremented )

Fourth iteration

sequence[4] = Min(sequence[i2]*2, sequence[i3]*3, sequence[i5]*5)

          = Min(6, 6, 5)

          = 5

sequence[] =  | 1 | 2 | 3 |  4 | 5 |

i2 = 2,  i3 =  1, i5 = 1  (i5 got incremented )

Fifth iteration

sequence[4] = Min(sequence[i2]*2, sequence[i3]*3, sequence[i5]*5)

          = Min(6, 6, 10)

          = 6

sequence[] =  | 1 | 2 | 3 |  4 | 5 | 6 |

i2 = 3,  i3 =  2, i5 = 1  (i2 and i3 got incremented )


Author’s solution can be found here.