Confirmance of output to specified format due to newline

Okay I have a question about newlines.Let’s say the output format requires you to print a single line of output each line then a newline. What happens in my program is ,after printing of last output case, I end up printing a newline(that’s how the program is written). Let me demonstrate how:

Output format specified/required

Case 1: Output line1

Case 2: Output line2



Case n: Output linen

Now, I have printed output as following:

Case 1: Output line1

Case 2: Output line2



Case n: Output linen

Notice the extra newline after Case n: Output linen in my output. Would my output still confirm to the question’s specified format?

Common guys, this is not the toughest question I asked here. Somebody answer please.

Yes, it will confirm.

If correct answer is

and your output is : (with a extra newline)

It will be correct.