College wise Codechef ratings- please see this site

you guys have added Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad which has only one person can u guys add Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad which have most of the ppl from IITH.

@vinay guthal, Sorry but I am unable to understand what you want to convey… :confused:

Both colleges are there on site. Which modification are you asking about ?

very good initiative, thanks

@kcahdog The add college link on the site appears to be broken. " The form “Add your college” is no longer accepting responses. " message is shown. Is there any other way to add the college name ? Thanks

@tan_m Currently adding of new colleges has been stopped. However you could send a message to the site admin on facebook and try : .

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What does star signify in the rank list(both long and short contests)?

It means that the user was not rated previously and this is the first time he has participated in a contest and has been rated


my college have not been added…what can i do to add my username at CODECHEF RANKING ?

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You could send a message/email on facebook : .

else a mail at [email protected] with college name and it’s official website link.


@all College wise ranking after MAY14 has been updated.

ordx is not working now, isn’t there any other way to do this task

somebody please upvote me , i have questions to ask
thank you

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Here you go.

I am getting 403 Forbidden error on visiting
Is the domain name changed or something?