codebase is now Open-Sourced. Start contributing guys.

Hello friends,

As many of you must already be knowing about, I’m feeling so happy to announce that I have open-sourced the entire codebase along with the database and the page-linkage description on

For the new-comers, let me explain what codeReview is. We had built the original version last year with a great idea i.e. codeforces ratings of users are used to put them in one of the 5 levels. Now suppose you are level 3 user and you want your code reviewed then a member a level above you i.e. level 4 would review your code. However if you want your next code reviewed you have to first review the code of a member a level below you i.e. level 2. So everyone is benefitted. But the work on platform was stopped due to some reasons.

Now as the entire codebase is open-sourced, you all can start contributing and work on the features that you want. All details regarding the file structures, database diagrams, page linkage description and contribution guide is available on

Please contribute and help to make this platform bigger and better.

Thank you.


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