Codechef Rating Predictor

It works now.

Hey @vsp4, the ratings in the site is not updated for DEC17.


rating predictor for LTIME55 not available?

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Why January long challenge rating predictor not updating?

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ANy news on predictor for February Long Challenge 2018?

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@vsp4 UPDATE rating predictor for march18a,march18b;

Can you add a seed rank into your predictor? Something like this codeforces rating predictor.

Codechef also uses elo as far as I know so this should be doable.

This is a very old thread so I doubt anyone will even see this but if you are reading this, just upvote this if you also want this feature. That way it will be seen more easily.

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Yes, I also feel there should be an extension for the rating predictor.

Is ratings predictor available for December challenge 2018?