Code required to execute at most n times

I have come across a question where it is asked in input to have at most n test cases. Something like this is written: "The input will consist of at most #number test cases."

So, basically if I have got a code like this:

int main()


//The code to be executed

return 0;


What is the code required to execute the code at most #number times?

It’s just the constraint on the input files,i.e the input file on which your code will run will have atmost #number test cases. It’s usually given so that you write efficient code which runs in specified time limit.

So you don’t need to write some extra code to ensure maximum number of test cases.

Edit: Okay so you need case numbers too,so you can do something like this.

int main()

int count;
//The code to be executed
cout<<"Case " <<count<<endl;

return 0;

but the format requires me to write like this: Case #number: output
How am I supposed to know #number. I am talking about the problem:

You have to take input till number of rows and column are provided.

while (scanf("%d%d",&r,&c)!=EOF)
//your code here
printf("Case #%d %d",number,output);

Maximum number is provided so that you can check running time of your program.

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Okay, I want to ask that “How would code chef interpret such a code?”. Well, doesn’t code chef’s code tester goes out of scope of main every time it tests for new input. So, in that case the count will not hold consistent value for every execution and I would end up getting a garbage_value++ printed

Check my answer below.

Well, I am writing code in C using scanf. How do I accomplish what you said with that?

Edited in C. If you find my answer useful,please upvote and accept it as correct answer.

okay, let me change it and run it on code chef