Chftired - editorial


Contest: Division 1
Contest: Division 2

Setter: Misha Chorniy
Tester: Zhong Ziqian
Editorialist: Taranpreet Singh






Given Two numbers A and B, Determine whether we make both numbers equal by the following operation any number of times.

  • Choose any value d.
  • Perform exactly one of following
  • Add d-1 to A and d to B.
  • Add d to A and d-1 to B.


  • Value of d is useless. The first operation can be seen as Subtracting 1 from A while the Second operation is subtracting 1 from B.
  • Since we need A-B = 0, we can easily decrease the larger of given numbers by applying above operation.
  • Print “YES” is the solution.


The thing is, that we need to notice the effect of each operation on A-B. For A == B, we need A-B = 0. Now let us see how operations affect the value A-B.

If we choose to add d-1 to A and d to B, the value of A-B becomes (A+d-1)-(B+d) = A-B-1 which is same as subtracting 1 from A-B.

If we choose to add d to A and d to B, the value of A-B becomes (A+d)-(B+d-1) = A-B+1 which is same as adding 1 to A-B.

Now, Since we want to achieve A-B = 0, we can see that if A-B > 0 we can apply the first operation repetitively to achieve A == B. Otherwise, if A-B < 0, we can apply operation of the second type any number of times to achieve A == B.

That’s all for this problem.

Want the solution, Just print YES for every case. :slight_smile:

Challenge problem
Given Two numbers A and B and a number x, Determine whether we make achieve A == B by the following operation any number of times.

  • Choose any value d.
  • Perform exactly one of following
  • Add d-x to A and d to B.
  • Add d to A and d-x to B.

Time Complexity

Time complexity is O(T) since we only use print statement for every test case.


Setter’s solution
Tester’s solution
Editorialist’s solution

Feel free to Share your approach, If it differs. Suggestions are always welcomed. :slight_smile:

Simply take d = 1 every time !

Plz, post the solution of Challenge problem given in this Editorial.

Answer is yes if |A - B| is divisible by x. Otherwise no.