Author: Prateek Gupta
Tester: Jingbo Shang
Editorialist: Hanlin Ren
You are given an array A of length N. Let PrefixSum(i) denote the sum of first i elements, and SuffixSum(i) denote the sum of last N-i+1 elements. Find an index i that PrefixSum(i)+SuffixSum(i) is the minimum. If there are many such indices, find the smallest one.
There are many solutions to this problem:
- We can calculate PrefixSum and SuffixSum in O(N) time, and just do what the problem asks; 64-bit integer types are needed;
- We can find the minimum element in the array, m, and output the smallest index i that A_i=m.
subtask 1
We enumerate i. For a specific i, we compute the sum of first i elements(A[1\sim i]) and the sum of last N-i+1 elements(A[i\sim N]), then add the two sums together. We maintain the smallest answer ans and corresponding index. We enumerate i from 1 to N, so we only update the answer if PrefixSum(i)+SuffixSum(i) is strictly smaller than ans.
In this subtask, N\le 100 and A[i]\le 10^5, so PrefixSum(i)+SuffixSum(i)\le 10^7+10^5. When initializing ans, we need a number that’s big enough.
ans = 20000000 //2*10^7
for i = 1 to N
tmp = PrefixSum(i) + SuffixSum(i)
if tmp < ans then
ans = tmp
ans_i = i
print ans_i
The overall complexity is O(N^2).
subtask 2
We can compute PrefixSum and SuffixSum in O(N) time:
PrefixSum[0] = 0
for i = 1 to N
PrefixSum[i] = PrefixSum[i - 1] + A[i]
SuffixSum[N + 1] = 0
for i = N downto 1
SuffixSum[i] = SuffixSum[i + 1] + A[i]
Note that PrefixSum(i)+SuffixSum(i) can be very large: if N=10^5 and all A[i]'s are 10^5, then this sum can be as large as 10^{10}+10^5, so we should initialize ans to be a number big enough(e.g. 10^{11}). Also, 32-bit integers aren’t big enough to store such kind of numbers; we need 64-bit integers.
A simpler solution
What is PrefixSum(i)+SuffixSum(i)? this sums up all elements in 1\sim i, and all elements in i\sim N. Thus, let Sum=A[1]+A[2]+\dots+A[N] be the sum of all numbers, then PrefixSum(i)+SuffixSum(i)=Sum+A[i], since only element i is counted twice, and all other elements are counted exactly once.
So, to find the index i that minimizes PrefixSum(i)+SuffixSum(i), we only need to find i that minimizes A[i]. Let m be the minimum element among A, we just find the smallest index i that A[i]=m.
m = 100000
for i = 1 to N
m = min(m, A[i])
for i = 1 to N
if A[i] == m then
print i and break
This approach is also O(N) and is easier to implement. Also, it doesn’t involve 64-bit integers.
Author’s solution can be found here(This is not author’s, but Praveen’s).
Tester’s solution can be found here.
Editorialist’s solution can be found here