CHEFGAME - Editorial



Author: Roman Rubanenko
Tester: Hiroto Sekido
Editorialist: Anton Lunyov




Prim’s algorithm


The best described in the problem statement.


It is clear that we have a complete weighted graph where vertices are the points and weight of the edge is the square of the distance between points. The problem asks to find the cycle-free set of edges with maximal product of weights. At first sight it seems to be the maximum spanning tree in this graph. But since some edges can have zero weights we actually should maximize the product of non-zero edges in our spanning tree. Since graph is complete then naive implementation of Prim’s algorithm would be the simplest way here.

Note that Prim’s algorithm works in O(V * V) time while Kruskal algorithm in O(E * log E) time, where V is the number of vertexes in the graph and E is the number of edges. In our case the graph is complete, so E = V * (V − 1) / 2 and hence Kruskal algorithm is much slower (due to log E factor). It was intended that Kruskal should get TLE, while any implementation of Prim (with precalculating all edges or not) will get AC.

The main bottleneck of the Kruskal algorithm is sorting of edges (not DSU stuff) and in the Prim we have no sorting at all. That is the point.


As noted above we can reformulate the problem as follows - find the spanning tree in constructed graph that has maximum possible product of non-zero edges in it. It is well-known that spanning tree found by general greedy algorithm (like Prim’s or Kruskal’s) will maximize any symmetric monotone function of edges (I read this remark 10 years ago in Christofides book and still remember this). The product of non-zero edges is exactly one of such functions since we have no negative edges. Hence well-known algorithms for finding maximum spanning tree will work here.

The implementation of Prim’s algorithm suited for this problem is provided below. Once maximum distance between marked and not marked vertexes becomes zero we could break from the cycle. Also we do not create the adjacency matrix and calculate each needed distance on the fly.

And the most important thing is - the squares of distances should be calculated and compared as is, take them modulo 747474747 only when you multiply them to the answer. For example, if we have only two points, and square of distance between them is 747474747 then in the case of taking this distance modulo at the beginning you break from the cycle and the answer will be 1, but the correct answer is 747474747 and you should output 0. The concrete example is

2 3
0 0 0
19265 19189 2849

The output should 0.

And finally the code snippet:

input points // they are numbered from 1 to N
// d[i] is the farthest distance from point i to the vertexes of the tree
fill d[1..N] by zeros // should be 64bit integer type
// vertex is marked if it is in the current tree
fill mark[1..N] by false // so initially tree is empty
mod = 747474747
ans = 1 // could be int
for iter = 1 to N do
   j = 0 // will contain the farthest vertex from current tree
   for i = 1 to N do
      // we update j once we meet not marked vertex with larger distance to the tree
      if (not mark[i] and (j = 0 or d[j] < d[i])) then
   mark[j] = true // we add j to the tree

   // now we update the answer
   // when iter = 1 we create tree of one vertex
   // so d[j] does not make sense
   if iter > 1 then
      if d[j] <= 1 then
         // note that we take d[j] modulo mod
         // otherwise 64bit type overflow is possible
         ans = d[j] % mod * ans % mod

    // now we should update array d[]
    // clearly we need to update each d[i] for not marked i
    // by distance to j since this is the only new vertex in the tree
    for i = 1 to N do
       if not mark[i] then
          dist = square of distance between a[i] and a[j]
          // use 64bit type here but don't use modulo or the order of edges will be broken
          d[i] = max(d[i], dist)


Author’s solution will be provided soon.
Tester’s solution can be found here.


SPOJ - DAVIDG - 11443. Davids Greed


Hm, I used algorithm for spanning tree and got TLE (tried Java and C++), any idea what is inefficient in my code?

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You are using Kruskal algorithm that for complete graph has complexity O(V^2 * log V) (due to sort of edges) and is asymptotically slower than Prim’s algorithms.

It was expected that such approach will get TLE.


can you plz provide me a case where my solution fails,

I see, thanks for your answer :wink:

Me too used Kruskal’s algorithm with ranked-union, path compression, everything!! Only to find later that the sorting of edges is taking too much time :frowning: (The complete solution took ~24 seconds for a large test case, on my local machine.)

Link to Solution:

PS: Never thought Prim’s algorithm can do the trick!!

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@tijoforyou same here calculaton of distances and sorting of edges took all the time I was also getting TLE due to the same reason :frowning:

@anton_lunyov I tried with kruskal and got TLE in edge distance calculation and sorting. I thought of prim’s algorithm too but don’t you think all the edge distances will have to be calculated in prim’s too? :o … I was getting TLE because for kruskal I calculated distance between every pair of vertices and then sorted according to the distance. Please clear my doubts. and pleasse refer to my solution and if possible tell me the bad places because of which i got TLE. Thanks in advance

the problem is not with filling of the graph (n(n-1)/2 edges).
But with the sorting of edges also some over head due to union-find.

I have precalculated all the distance (V^2) than applied prim’s.

@nirajs got it :frowning: my bad. thanks btw:)

Isn’t time complexity for Prims and Kruskals same : O(ElogV) where E = V^2 for complete graph.
It may be the case that prims is faster than kruskals because it doesn’t require all the edges to be sorted before hand, right?

according to wikipedia, Prim’s complexity is O(V^2) -’s_algorithm#Time_complexity

Similar Problem:


Thanks. It has been added.

Can delaunay triangulation be used here to bring down the complexity to O(VlogV)???

AFAIK O(V * log V) solution exists only in the case of plane (D = 2).

I know that won’t be a big improvement, but we can use

if d[j] <= 1 then break

@betlista : Using binary heap Prim’s complexity can be brought down to O(ElogV)

I’ve also noticed this but decided to stay on “d[j] = 0” version.
But now I see that your version is better since if distances are allowed to be between 0 and 1 then your version is correct but mine not :slight_smile:
So I’ve changed the code snippet.

The delaunay triangulation cannot be used for dimensions greater than 3 . And for the higher dimensions the research is still on. Check this wiki page for more information