On submission, It works fine for 90%+ testcases under each subtask but the final score is 20, since I got a WA some…PLEASE HELP!!!
using namespace std;
int main()
int r, c;
cin >> r >> c;
int d;
cin >> d;
int x[r][c];
for (int i = 0; i<=r-1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<=c-1; j++)
cin >> x[i][j];
long long int ans[r][c];
int temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4;
for (int p = 0; p<=r-1; p++)
for (int q = 0; q<=c-1; q++)
temp1 = (p>=d)?ans[p-d][q]%20011:0;
temp2 = (q>=d)?ans[p][q-d]%20011:0;
temp3 = (p>=1)?ans[p-1][q]%20011:0;
temp4 = (q>=1)?ans[p][q-1]%20011:0;
if (temp3+temp4-temp1-temp2>=0)
if (x[p][q]==0)
cout << ans[r-1][c-1];
return 0;
I know of the O(n^3) & the O(n^4) solutions. Given the constraints, they should work… But my solutions is, in fact, O(n^2). The method is called GRAPH CUTTING. It is a very correct algorithm. There are probably slight mistakes in memory allocation, implementation of the algorithm etc. So, I need help in debugging the solution…So please try to…THANKS!!!