I am trying to solve the following problem:
Problem link
Here, we have a path between any two nodes using the euclidean distance between them.
For finding the shortest path, I am trying to use bellman ford algorithm as follows:
pair array p contains x and y coordinates of all nodes.
p[0] represents source node, and p[n + 1] is the destination.
Implementation :
Here is my code :
Input :
8 2
4 0
8 0
4 -1
7 -1
6 -2
2 1
9 2
0 0
-1 1
1 -1
The required output is:
but my program generates :
for the sample cases
Please say if I have correctly used bellman ford here. I tried using dijkstra algorithm for the same problem, and it gives correct output. Why does Bellman Ford fail then?
Well, you didn’t implement bellman-ford algorithm correctly, check Bellman-Ford for more details.
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well i found my mistake, thanks!!
and here e = (num_of_nodes)^2
so can’t I use Bellman Ford here to get my code AC?
Bellman-Ford’s worst case complexity is O(|V||E|).
Here there is nothing restricting you from moving from one point to another so, the number of edges would be = |V| choose 2, rendering a regular implementation of Bellman-Ford to run in O(|V|^3) which is too slow considering that |V| <= 2500.
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means I can’t use regular Bellman-Ford, the only choice I have is Dijkstra, or say if something else could be done. I tried Dijkstra, but don’t want to rely totally on it because of its negative edge disadvantage.