How to take input in assembly language ?
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assembly is scary!
is it waquar ! but I find it interesting .
System call via interrupt (int 0x80):
;; to read input
mov eax, 0x3 ; syscall number 3 e.g. read
mov ebx, 0x2 ; stdin
mov ecx, input ; pointer to byte array of storage for the input, create in the data segment
mov edx, [in_length] ; the length of the (input) storage byte array
int 0x80 ; system interrupt
mov eax, 0x4 ; syscall number 4 e.g. write
mov ebx, 0x1 ; stdout
mov ecx, message ; pointer to a byte array where the message to write is stored
mov edx, [out_length] ; length of the message
int 0x80
;; the data we need
section .data
input: 10 times db 0x0
in_length: equ $-input
output: db "Some message here",0xa,0 ; don't forget line feeds and zero's
out_length: equ $-output
Note ‘read’ data is a string! You will need to parse it by subtracting ascii ‘0’/ 48 from every byte value in an input integer. Floating point is more complicated.
Here’s a nice table