Are there any prizes for the CodeChef API Hackathon?

Are there any cash prizes or laddus for the teams doing well in this Hackathon?

Yes! Win Cash prizes worth $2400, Internship opportunity at CodeChef, T-shirts and moreā€¦

  • 1st Prize:
    • $1000 Cash
    • $1000 Alibaba Cloud credits
    • $100 Alibaba Cloud Training and Certification credit
    • $120 x 2 Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional (ACP) training and exam
    • 2000 CodeChef laddus
  • 2nd Prize:
    • $800 Cash
    • $800 Alibaba Cloud credits
    • $80 Alibaba Cloud Training and Certification credit
    • $120 x 2 Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional (ACP) training and exam
    • 1600 CodeChef laddus
  • 3rd Prize:
    • $600 Cash
    • $1000 Alibaba Cloud credits
    • $50 Alibaba Cloud Training and Certification credit
    • 1200 CodeChef laddus
  • Internship Opportunity: Top teams will get a direct interview opportunity with CodeChef. Top 15 teams will win Alibaba Cloud t-shirts.