I saw it in some other post … btw, have u modified the ranklist of amrita, it was different sometime ago

Shouldn’t Triangulation be there in the kharagpur list.


Yes, people reported some bugs in the previous list .

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Fixed . Thanks for pointing it out.


This is not reflecting site - wise rankings according to updated rank-list. Chennai site rankings are not according to updated ranklist.

@sarvagya3943 : Done !

Amrita and kharagpur lists are probably correct . Chennai and Kolkata lists can be wrong because I am not sure about the algorithm they are going to use. I’ll check for the bug in the chennai ranklist. Thanks for pointing it out .

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@sarvagya3943 There is a bug i think … in amrita, u have not taken care of the fact that atmost 12 teams from an institue is selected. Above my teams rank, in the original ranklist there are 33 IIITH teams . So in the final ranklist, only top 12 of them will be selected, rest wont be. But in ur list, all 33 of them appear above my team …

Can you check the list now ? It was the same bug i found in kharagpur rank list , just forgot to update chennai and kolkata ranklist too .

It’s wrong to use the term “Rank” for your order. Ranking will be what it is. You should rename it to something like, SNo. or Selection Order.

I did take care of that in my code , didnt cross check it in the ranklist . I will take a look , thanks for pointing it out .

EDIT : Fixed Now

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Chennai ranklist is stil not correct.

@aj95 : what is the algorithm Chennai is Using for SELECTION

Changed it now :slight_smile:

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Thats my team!
Our status is accepted at the baylor site.

Chennai ranklist is stil not according to updated ranklist. You can verify that from . The site wise ranking of codechef is not updated. Amritapuri ranklist seems to be correct.

What I remember, last year, what Chennai did was, they selected top team from each institute and after that, teams were selected on merit selecting no more than 3 teams from each institute.



We have registered for Amrita and Kolkata.

Our team name is visible in the ranklist but not in the sitewise ranklist.

List of teams registered for kolkata regionals.

List of teams registered for amritapuri regionals.




Status at both the regionals is accepted

You should contact codechef then , asking them about the reason your team’s name is not in any regional rankings .

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Hmm , will update the list when codechef updates it :slight_smile:

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