A note regarding ACM-ICPC Gwalior/Kanpur Regional

Contest Timing: 2pm - 4pm IST

I ran the same scripts that I did for the Amritapuri Regional, and here are some facts that may be important.

No. of teams registered = 827

No. of teams accepted = 554

No. of distinct colleges = 131 (with at least 1 team accepted)

No. of slots for regional = 90 (as given here)

For this regional, teams not only need to rank first in their college, but also need to rank among the top 90 distinct colleges to guarantee their selection in the onsite round (assuming they solve at least one problem).


Is it that contest timing is from 2 to 4

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the rule selecting the top teams from each college first , is really shitty


what if there are team that are in top 90 but not top from their college, then selected teams will not become = 90 .

@wittyceaser It’s 2 to 4

@bipin2 - This contest is of 2 hours. Check http://www.codechef.com/ACMKAN14 . I have deleted my previous comment.

Nice info! :smiley:

but all other regionals are of 3 hours then why is this 2 hours . Even practise round is of 3 hours.


@wittyceasar: even i deleted my previous comment :stuck_out_tongue: