Your approach to solve SANDWICH?

so constraints were n,k <= 10^18 or the same as of subtask ,2??

Two more links:

Combinatorics - Mathematics Stack Exchange:

nCr - HackerRank:


How did you identify that (nk−n%k+knk)(nk−n%k+knk) is the solution? I would appreciate if you can explain that as well :slight_smile:

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Thank you ymondelo20

I didn’t use lucas theorem. I just solved it using CRT and by finding Modular multiplicative inverses.

Let n=⌈NK

and x = (K × n) - N

So, as we have to distribute x vacancies in n parts, the number of ways is n+x-1Cx

Let the prime factorization of M = p1e1×p2e2×p3e3×p4e4 …×ptet

Here t is the total no of unique prime factors.

Here piei and pjej are coprime for any 1 ≤ (i≠j) ≤ t

So if we find n+x-1Cx Mod piei for each i,
We can then combine the results to find n+x-1Cx Mod M using CRT

Note that if x! and (n-1)! don’t have any factors of pi then they would have unique

modular multiplicative inverse.

The main issue that we face now is that (n-1)! and x! could have factors of pi

Let y be the highest power of pi which divides x!

Then let F(x,piei) = ((x!)/piy) Mod piei
As F(x,piei) is not divisible by pi, we can find its modular multiplicative inverse.

We can later on deal with the total power of pi in n+x-1Cx and multiply it to our answer.

So n+x-1Cx Mod piei will be (piz × F(x+n-1,piei))/(F(x,piei) × F(n-1,piei)) Mod piei

Here z is the highest power of pi which divides n+x-1Cx

To find F(x,piei), the trick here is to take all the numbers divisible by pi out of the factorial.

Notice that we take out precisely (⌊xpi⌋!)×pi⌊x⁄pi⌋ out of the factorial.

Now let H = x!/((⌊xpi⌋!)×pi⌊x⁄pi⌋) Mod piei
(Note: H is basically x! with all terms divisible by pi ignored)

H can be found in in O(piei+ log x) using fast exponentiation as

all numbers in the factorial repeat after piei numbers Mod piei

Now we can say that F(x,piei)=H×F(⌊xpi⌋,piei)

This is a recurrence relation, so the over all complexity is O((piei+log x)×(log x))

We now know how to find F(x,piei)

Now we need to know how to find the power of pi in x!.

This is simply Σ ⌊xpic where c is a natural number.

Here is my solution -

PS:- The recursive part can be optimized by making it iterative.

That reduces the overall complexity to O(M + (log2(N+k)×(log M)))


Thanks abdullah786 :smiley:

Nobody seems to have shed some light on how to calculate \binom{a}{b}\ mod\ (p^k). We don’t need any research paper to calculate that just some group theory. First let us get rid of all the prime powers of p in \binom{n}{r}. Now let us consider a finite group where X = \{ x : x < p^k, gcd(x, p^k) = 1 \}. Now we can see that this is abelian group [commutative group] under multiplication. So, we can see that if we multiply all the elements of this group and take mod\ (p^k)\ i.e\ x_1.x_2.x_3...x_i.. = -1\ if\ p^k = 4\ or\ p^k\ is\ power\ of\ odd\ prime\ and\ +1\ otherwise. Now to calculate n!\ mod\ p^k[remember we’ve got rid of all the prime powers earlier], we see n!\ \equiv (\pm 1)^{\dfrac{n}{p^k}}.(1.2.3..(n\ mod\ p^k)). (n / p)!\ (mod\ p^k). This is a simple recursive equation which we can calculate in O(p^k\ log\ n) time. Similarly calculate (n - r)!\ \&\ (r!). Take their inverses using extended euclidean and apply chinese remainder theorem.


@c0d3h4ck3d Updated the answer with resources for both.

@vijju123 It was more of an observation, after writing a brute force algorithm.

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Thanks, mathecodecian :slight_smile:

it is, but in a paper of Andrew Granville, it has been extended to prime powers, and after that u need to use chinese remainder theorem

Subtask 1:
Brute force nCr calculations would work. No overflow worry. Easy 10 points.

          Subtask 2 and 3:
 For prime M, Lucas theorem([Lucas Theorem][1])
                                                   and for non prime M, DP based method to calculate nCr will work([DP-nCr][2])

Subtask 4:
Requires complete implementation of Chinese Remainder Theorem.

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My brute force was too brute :confused:

I derived that formula so I can shed some light on the approach.
Lets take n=13,k=4.
then one such way to distribute this is:
Now, we can move some of the value from the first 3 slots to the last slot ‘1’.
we can add a max value of 3 to the last slot since 1+3=k and we cannot have a piece with >k length.
So, by using multinomial theorem,we need to find solutions to:
which is the same as x1+x2+x3+x4=3.
Also the limits for xi can be take to be infinity since their upper bound is greater than the value on RHS.
We know that the formula for non-negative solutions of x1+x2+x3…+xm=p is:
Its easy to see that m=(ceil(n/k)) and p=(k-n%k).
Only two special cases:

  1. When n%k=0, then there is only 1 way to cut and number of pieces =n/k.
  2. when k>=n, number of pieces=1,number of ways=1.

Here is how I derived the formula:


I did it using inclusion exclusion principle here ie we distribute balls( = n-k) into boxes ( ceil(n/k) ) with maximum of k balls in each box and to calculate this I used 1. Lucas Theorem 2. Chinese Remainder Theorem. The approach for this is explained here (Q.2 - Life is Strange 4th subtask).
But sadly I could pass only 3 subtasks, I couldn’t figure out the shorter version of formula.
Link for my solution.

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I have used Generalized Lucas theorem and CRT to solve the problem using the same paper mentioned by some users who have already answered in this thread. I don’t know why I get WA on only 1 test case. Throughout the contest I have had 30 submissions for this problem with different changes in code to avoid overflows and all but I still could not get it. Please, can someone tell me what is wrong with my code? Thank you in advance to anyone who tries to look through my code. :slight_smile:


@ista2000 WA was because of overflow only!!

See this:

There was overflow happening where you calculate the value of ret in f function.
I just placed %x more cautiously.

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@prakhariitd Thank you. I lost 50 pts for a small bug :stuck_out_tongue:

sad for u @ista2000

Here you can find a decent explanation and code in c++ and python for the nCr (large n and r) problem which includes handling the case of prime powers :). I also found the paper by Andrew Granville which seems to explain the same but it was too complex for me to understand.

I used the code found in this link but gave the guy full credit in the code :). I learned something in this contest which is cool :).
Hope it helps.

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